Bianca Duimel
Portrait artist

Bianca is one of New Zealand's top & Award winning Portrait photographers, with over 25 years experience photographing people, and will expertly photograph you and your family with stunning results.
The boutique studio is located 22B Peria Road, Matamata.
A boutique Studio, specializing in beautiful baby, children's and fun, thoughtful family portraits that will be delightful and treasured for your and your children's future.
All portraits are professionally edited and art worked,
hand printed and presented in archival matboard or custom frames, and will stand the test of time.
Here is a guide as to how you should prepare for your fun session, to be helpful to you and us please read all
of the information below.
When you arrive please park in front of the house on the road, the driveway goes a bit silly sometimes with people arriving
and leaving.
Studio entrance is at the back of the black building.
Future proofing
It is a good idea to think about what you would like you portraits to look like in the future, what are you representing how do you want people to remember this time.
Please bring along the clothing and props as required, if you are not sure about grouping clothes for the whole family,
If you get really stuck bring a few extra items and I can help you choose in the studio.
All images and concepts created by Bianca, are intellectual property and protected by
© copyright.
Please do not bring your own camera and phone to take pictures of the portrait session.
What do I bring ?
Red Matters
If you are coming in for a Red Matters book session, all of the information here still applies, please read our information.
Your hair just clean and dry, bring your favourite styling products, although I am trying to capture it in it's natural state.
A variety of your favourite clothes is a great option, 2 or 3 changes is recommended.
A smile
Make sure everybody has had a good night's sleep, is not sick or too stressed, relax, you will have fun today ,
it will probably be possibly chaos, but fun.
Eat before you come along , especially small ones, with full tummies are usually in a good mood.
A bit of Pamol, can help a teething baby out a lot.
If children are feeling sick,it would better to change your appointment than have a disaster portrait session .
It is super important to be on time for your session.
As we usually have several bookings before & after your session it is very important, you arrive at the pre arranged time .
I book sessions according to age, appointment type and workload.
I will allocate enough time for a chat about your session, getting dressed and designing and photographing your session.
Being early or late for your appointment, will probably cause unnecessary chaos in the studio
or worse, cancellation
It is a good idea to bring a drink and some small snacks for little ones (nothing too messy or that will stain clothing)
who seem to burn a lot of energy very quickly and we can use small treats as rewards ( just this once )
and their favourite toy or cuddly, can calm them down if they are feeling overwhelmed during the session.
Wraps and blankets
If you are coming in with a newborn, babies & children, I recommend to bring along items that are special to you ,
hand knitted blankets and outfits are great to work with as are tiny teddy bears.
A pacifier for the shoot can work wonders, it can be a lifesaver just for the session,
you can throw it out afterwards.
What to wear ?
You can get dressed at the studio if you are worried about clothes getting messy beforehand.
A chap stick can help those with dry chapped lips .
For Mum, before this session is a good time to have had hair and nails done, remove excess facial hair
and wear a light natural make up, maybe treat yourself to a nice new outfit for the session,
the results will speak for themselves. We have items at the studio as well and will work to achieve the best look for you and your family.
I highly recommend you wear clothes that you feel great in, and you think your children look good in.
If you don't have anything, buy something that makes you feel good, you will reflect this externally
and everybody will look great in the portraits.
Pregnancy is such a special time in your life and I love to capture this elegantly and timelessly for you.
We are capable of removing, improving skin texture like stretch marks etc, expertly and anything else
you desire just ask, or stay au natural is great too.
I suggest wear a skin colour strapless bra and skin colour undies, so that we can use different fabrics
and dresses and no straps will show, no matter what we dress you in.
Bring along any clingy dresses that fit or fabrics you love and we will work with a combination of what you have and what we have at the studio. Fresh flowers look great and we are open to any creative ideas you may have.
Make up
Think about why you are having the shots taken, how do you want to be remembered, do your hair and make up,
paint your nails . (We do also have a make up artist and hair stylist you can book in advance 2 weeks notice needed
and it is an extra fee for a Make up artist)
Once you have yourself organised, it will be easy to dress your family in something that compliments your outfit ,
without being all matchy matchy, but try to achieve a style that is you.
Lay the clothes out on the floor and see how it all works together, you'll see straight away if it is looking good.
If you get really stuck, call us !!
What happens during the shoot ?
Newborn shoot
Newborns are in a league of their own and are in their own little time zone,
a great way to photograph them (classed as newborn upto 6 weeks) is asleep,
so a good feed in advance is recommended and will make your baby sleepy at the session ,
but don't panic if your baby suddenly is not tired at all, your images will still be beautiful with their eyes open.
I have plenty of cloth nappies handy for any accidents, which are a normal occurrence at baby sessions.
Although I involve parents in the shoot, when I am posing your
baby you can stay back and have a rest even a little sleep while I photograph your baby.
I often photograph babies in just fluffy or frilly pants or nothing at all just a lovely wrap,
trying to capture their babyness that won't last very long.
Your session is best early in the morning, and we try to book you when your little one has had a sleep.
Children are unpredictable , so it is my job to be ready for anything !!
Some parents get frustrated because their kids aren't doing exactly as they're asked. The beauty of that is that those
unpredictable moments are often the best shots. People often ask me if there was even 1 good shot in there.....
Well, the thing is, ....
I am concentrating on the shooting, not what they are getting up to, and I have never
had a shoot that was a complete disaster yet.
So your job is to just relax join in on the fun and enjoy the session.
Children match your energy, so if you can show you are having fun, they will certainly join in ,
making for relaxed and fun images of you all.
No cheese please !
Please don't teach your children to say cheese, although I know for some of you it is already too late.
We will have much more fun ways of getting natural spontaneous & genuine expressions,
from you and your children by way of play , singing & dancing for example.
Also, I will often photograph your children away from parents for a bit, so that they will focus only on me
and my silly jokes, this usually works, as they often will behave for a stranger, and this can make all the difference sometimes.
Other than that, remember this session is showing you and your family with all the little quirks and things
that make you unique, so relax and enjoy !
Ordering products after your shoot
Ordering session
The ordering session is where you have approximately 1 hour to decide choose and purchase your images and
we are there to guide you, or 1 week if you are choosing from the hosted web gallery .
Red Matters
Selected images from the Red Matters shoot are for sale also, proceeds go towards the production and marketing of our Books.
Excitement and emotion
This of course is the really exciting part !
Approximately a week later, after carefully editing your images, your edited images are ready to be viewed by you and your family.
We will show you a selection of approximately 20 of the best images from the shoot.
We have a great selection of beautiful products to select from, all images are professionally edited and hand printed for optimum quality. There are 6 different size images available, we offer framing and canvas as well as the most beautiful albums , everything we produce is hand printed and custom made to suit you.
Images are hand printed and beautifully edited, packages from $1295 and framed collages from $795
We can frame your work and also provide beautiful box set collections from $1695
I am there to help you choose and with many years of experience in the portrait business, expert at
guiding you, in the right direction of your investment in the history of you and your family.